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About IT's Life, LLC
Life Insurance - Living Benefits - Debt Elimination using Life Insurance
Christian Health Sharing
Access to over thirty A-Rated Carriers
At It's Life, LLC, we are committed to finding the best insurance coverage for you and your family. With access to multiple carriers, we can taylor a solution for your family's protection. We don't have just one product or carrier that we try to "sell" to everyone. We will take the time to listen to you and your family's goals. We will then work hard to find the best way to meet those goals. We will work within your budget to provide quality protection and peace of mind that, no matter what "surprises" life throws at you, your family will be financially secure.
Term Life Insurance
With term life, you can protect your family with high amounts of coverage at reduced costs for a specified amount of time. We can easily quote term life insurance for our clients who need affordable, no hassle options. Most options require no medical exams and come with immediate coverage.
Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance comes in many forms. Most builds cash value and will protect your family throughout your entire life. The right kind of whole life insurance coverage depends on your family's needs. Whether indexed universal life, variable whole life, paid up whole life, term that converts to whole life, or whole life for children or grandchildren, we will find best policy for the best price given the needs of your family.
Final Expense Insurance
Christian Health Sharing is offered through One Share Health and is NOT health insurance. It is an excellent alternative for small business owners, independent contractors, and part-time employees to cover medical expenses at a fraction of the cost of conventional health insurance policies.
Living Benefits
Most life insurance options come with living benefits. These are benefits that can be used while you are still alive, for example, a portion of some policies pay out if you are disabled and can't work, diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness. Some policies can be designed to pay you back all of the premiums paid after a number of years. Many of these benefits can be added for very little extra.
Retirement & Debt Elimination
It is a little known fact that life insurance designed the right way can be used to provide retirement income and/or to pay off debt, including the mortgage, years early. In fact, after gathering some health and financial details, we can design a program to help accomplish these things while spending no more than you do now on a monthly basis.
Christian Health Sharing
Christian Health Sharing is offered through One Share Health and is NOT health insurance. It is an excellent alternative for small business owners, independent contractors, and part-time employees to cover medical expenses at a fraction of the cost of conventional health insurance policies.